Advanced search has the added benefit of matching different word forms, such as plurals, alternate verb endings, and various grammatical tenses, in the search results. 高级搜索的另一个好处就是可以在搜索结果中匹配不同单词形式,比如复数、不同的动词结尾和各种语法时态。
Two newly married women wore matching T-shirts emblazoned with the single word "Wifey". 两位新婚女性穿了一模一样的T恤上面印着同一个词“老婆”。
This paper presents an improvement study about word matching algorithm for Chinese word segmentation. 提出了一种改进的逐词匹配算法。
A Study on Word Matching Algorithm for Chinese Word Segmentation 汉语分词中一种逐词匹配算法的研究
With analysis of the Chinese word segmentation technologies, this paper combines the leftward increase maximum matching algorithm and the rightward decrease minimum matching algorithm to segment the text, and adopts Mutual Information to eliminate different meanings, thus the precision of Chinese word segmentation is enhanced. 通过对各种分词技术进行比较分析,本系统采用向左增字最小匹配与向右减字最大匹配算法相结合进行分词,并采用互信息方法消除歧义,提高分词精度;
Conclusions N 400 in Chinese sentence-ending word matching test is close by related to the semantic context of the word recognition, and possesses clinically valuable recognition potential for assessing language disorders. 结论汉语句子结尾字匹配与不匹配的N400与字词认知中的语义密切相关,可作为一个有临床价值的认知电位而用于临床多种伴有语言障碍疾病的评估。
Besides, an improved word matching algorithm was proposed to enhance the speed and precision of word segmentation. 在对中文分词词典进行分层存储的基础上,通过一种改进的简洁的中文分词词典匹配算法,有效地改善了分词的速度与精度,并缩减了索引库,增强了用户的响应。
In this method, the algorithm performs the optimal matching between the word type sequences of two compared sentences. 该方法比较两个句子的词类信息串,进行最优匹配,得到一个结构相似性的值。
In the dictionary matching based Chinese word automatic assignment indexing, there is some difficulty in additional indexing of proper noun. 在以词典匹配为基础的中文自动赋词标引中,存在如何实现专有名词的增词标引问题。
On the premise that the text word number plans the citation word number and the citation piece number, this paper presents the guantity matching of text with citation, and gives the measured result of the citation word number and the citation piece number. 本文以撰文字数规划引文字数、引文篇数为前提,提出了撰文与引文的数量匹配,从而得出引文字数和引文篇数的计量结果。
Basing on the principle "First Matching the Maximum Word-Length" in the Maximum Match ( MM) method, we put forwards an improved automatically word segmentation MM, and the corresponding algorithm and dictionary design. 在最大匹配法(MaximumMatch)长词优先原则的基础上,提出了一种改进的最大匹配(MaximumMatch)自动分词方法,并给出了相应的算法及词典设计。
Through analyzing the existed Chinese word segmentation algorithms, this paper emphasizes on the research of character matching method, use maximum match method to segment word firstly, then apply statistical method to ambiguous segmentation and the recognition of unknown words. 本文在深入分析现有自动分词算法的基础上,着重研究了基于字符串匹配的汉语自动分词算法,引入最大匹配法预处理分词,同时运用统计方法进行歧义切分和未登录词识别。
We segmented input text. utilizing the methods of Maximum Matching and Reverse Maximum Matching, and found ambiguous word through two-way-scan method. 本文在利用正向最大匹配方法和逆向最大匹配方法来对输入文本进行预切分,并通过双向扫描的方法检测歧义字段。
On an Optimum Matching Method For chinese Word Recognition 汉语单语识别用匹配法的优化研究
In the second step, using lexicon-driven approach, combined with character recognition information, geometric information and dictionary information into path matching procedure in the word recognition system. 第二步,采用词典驱动的方法,将字母识别信息、几何信息和词典信息一起加入到单词识别系统的路径匹配过程。
The words are ranged according to the tree-like structure, causing the participle matching gets liner effects. It not only solves the long-term problem, but also ensured the efficiency of the word segmentation. 引入了树状词库的概念,将词库里的词按照树状结构组合,使得遍历过程中分词的匹配效率呈线性,不仅有效地解决了词长的问题,而且同时也保证了分词的效率。
The segmentation methods based on the string matching also called mechanical word segmentation or the segmentation method based on the dictionary, and the largest matching method is the commonly used methods. 其中最基本的也是最常用的算法属基于字符串匹配的分词方法,又称机械分词法,也叫基于词典的分词方法,最大匹配法是该方法常用的解决方案。
This paper researched the feature extraction, quantification, matching model algorithms of isolated word speech recognition. 本文研究了孤立词语音识别中用到的特征参数提取算法、量化算法、匹配模型。
In resource matching, we adopted Chinese word segmentation preprocessing and intelligent query to get high similar data. 在资源匹配上,采用中文分词预处理、智能查询等方式,返回相似度较高的数据。
Mechanical participle stage, creatively proposed first positive maximal matching method, and then reduce word segmentation method draw all forms. 机械分词阶段,创造性的提正向最大匹配法和减字法相结合的切词方式,以求尽量得出所有的切分形式。
This paper uses the improved reverse maximum matching algorithm for word segmentation. With the technology of the right-first rule, ambiguity within the segmentation results can be detected and removed, thereby ensure the accuracy of the segmentation. 本文采用的分词技术是改进的逆向最大匹配法,结合归右原则技术对分词结果可能存在的二义性进行检测和消除,从而极大限度地保证了分词的精度。
However, the common used word segmentation method, string matching, is highly depended on the completeness and correctness of word dictionary. 而工程中常用的基于字符串匹配的分词技术,十分依赖分词词典的完备性和准确度。
Word recognition problem is transformed into matching optimization problems between the dictionary entry and the handwritten word image. 系统中把单词识别问题转化为一个词典中的词条与手写单词图像匹配的优化问题。
Chinese word segmentation is a necessary step in processing, we adopt a two-way maximum matching method to process the chinese word, and eliminate ambiguity to some extent. 词法分析是汉语处理的必经步骤,本文采用了双向最大匹配法进行分词处理,并在一定程度上消除了歧义。
This rule-based statistical word segmentation algorithm has a time complexity of O ( M), where M is the length of the sentence to be segmented. The speed is almost the same as the two-way matching word segmentation algorithm. 这种基于统计规则的分词算法其时间复杂度是O(M),其中M是待切分句子的长度,切分速度和双向匹配分词算法相当。
This paper introduces the dictionary matching, pattern processing, semantic integration of word verification system model and the overall design of data representation and storage implementation, and operation of the system involved in the algorithm gives a detailed introduction. 文章介绍了将词典匹配、模式处理、语义验证集成的分词系统的整体设计模型以及数据表示和存储的实现方式,并对系统运行中涉及的算法给出了详细的介绍。
First, an improved high-efficiency range matching CAM ( RM-TCAM) core scheme is proposed and is simulated under a variety of technology nodes against the high-power problem of range matching word circuit in routing nodes of the present internet protocol. 首先,针对于当前互联网协议路由节点中区间匹配高功耗问题,提出了一种改进的高效区间匹配TCAM(RM-TCAM)内核电路结构并进行了多种工艺节点条件下的电路仿真。